Jumat, 24 Juli 2020

Direction and Location part 2( grade 6)

Hai Gaes...
How are you?
Apa kabar mu?
Ready to learn English with me, Mr.Aris
Siap belajar bahasa Inggris bersama Pak Aris
Let's pray together before study
Mari kita berdoa sebelum belajar
May be Allah give blessing us to day.Aamiin
Semoga Allah SWT memberikan keberkahan hari ini.

Look at the picture 
Lihat gambar

Read a loud, Please!
Tolong baca yang keras

Kalimat Giving Direction (Menunjukkan arah)
Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left. 
(lurus terus sampai kamu melihat rumah sakit lalu belok kiri)
Turn back, you have gone past the turning. (kembali, tujuanmu sudah terlewat)
Turn left when you see a roundabout. (belok kiri ketika kamu melihat bunderan)
Turn right at the end of the road and my house is number 67. (belok kanan di akhir jalan dan nomor rumahku adalah 67)
Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile. (sebrangi persimpangan dan lurus terus sekitar 1 mil)
Take the third road on the right and you will see the office on the right (ambil jalur ketiga di sebelah kanan dan kamu akan melihat kantor di sebelah kanan)
Take the third road on the right and you will see the shop on the left (ambil jalur ketiga di sebelah kanan dan kamu akan melihat toko di bagian kiri)
Take the second road on the left and you will see the house on the left (ambil jalur kedua di sebelah kiri dan kamu akan melihat rumah di sebelah kiri)
Take the second road on the left and you will see the hospital straight ahead (ambil jalur kedua di sebelah kiri dan kamu akan melihat rumah sakit didepan)
The hospital is opposite the railway station. (rumah sakit ada di seberang stasiun kereta)
The shop is near the hospital. (toko ada di sekitar rumah sakit)
The shop is in between the chemist and KFC. (tokonya ada di antara ahli kimia dan KFC)
At the end of the road you will see a roundabout. (di ujung jalan kamu akan melihat bunderan)
At the corner of the road you will see red building. (di pojok jalan kamu akan menemukan bangunan merah)
Go straight on at the traffic lights. (lurus saja dari lampu merah)
turn right at the crossroads. (belok kanan di persimpangan)
Follow the signposts for Manchester.
(ikuti rambu jalan untuki pergi ke manchester)

Part 3

Contoh Dialog mengenai 'Direction and Location)

Jack: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the National Bank is?
Anna: The National Bank? Oh, I’m afraid that you are quite far from that.
Jack: What? I’m lost? I thought I was near!
Anna: Oh no. National Bank is in Saigon Road on Nguyen Street!
Jack: Could you please tell me how to get there?
Anna: Hmmm. Let me see... Go straight on this road, turn right at the traffic lights...
Jack: Is that all?
Anna: Hmmm… Hold on. Let me think... Ah! After that, go past the big church and turn right into Saigon Road. And...
Jack: Okay. And?
Anna: Opposite Saigon Road is the Nguyen Street. You will see the Vina Mall. It’s huge. National Bank is next to it. You surely won’t be lost anymore.
Jack: Got it! But is that the quickest way of getting there?
Anna: Yes, it is.
Jack: Do you have a map?
Anna: I’m sorry I don’t have.
Jack: Okay. Thanks.
Anna: You are welcome.


Jack: Permisi. Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya di mana Bank Nasional?
Anna: Bank Nasional? Oh, sepertinya anda kelewatan.
Jack: Apa? Saya tersesat? Saya pikir saya sudah dekat!
Anna: Oh tidak. Bank Nasional di Saigon Road pada Nguyen Street!
Jack: Bisakah Anda memberitahu saya bagaimana untuk sampai ke sana?
Anna: Hmmm. Biarkan aku melihat ... Pergi lurus di jalan ini, belok kanan di lampu lalu lintas ...
Jack: Apakah itu sudah?
Anna: Hmmm ... Tunggu. Biarkan saya berpikir ... Ah! Setelah itu, melewati gereja besar dan berbelok ke kanan ke Saigon Road. Dan...
Jack: Oke. Dan?
Anna: Di sebrang Saigon Jalan adalah Nguyen Street. Anda akan melihat Vina Mall. Itu besar. Bank Nasional sebelahnya. Anda pasti tidak akan tersesat lagi.
Jack: Got it! Tapi apakah itu jalan tercepat untuk sampai sana?
Anna: Ya, itu.
Jack: Apakah Anda memiliki peta?
Anna: Maaf saya tidak punya.
Jack: Oke. Terima kasih.
Anna: Sama - sama.

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